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Why smart grocery businesses are moving to an app based offering?

For the last few years retail industries were not good. The industry experienced more changes that it is expected. When the retailers were ready to move to web store from brick and mortar, mobile applications took the retail industry by storm.For the last few years retail industries were not good. The industry experienced more changes that it is expected. When the retailers were ready to move to web store from brick and mortar, mobile applications took the retail industry by storm.
Grocery business is one of the Industry that skipped web store and entered into mobile app world. Chances are there that someone at your house is already making use of these apps for ordering fresh fruits and vegetables while your are in this page.
Online grocery sales growth is expected to be 15 pound billion by 2020. Around ¼ th of the participants use online to order grocery products, and in future more than half – 55% will use it.
A fine grocery app may follows the functions of an ordinary brick n’ mortar store – a retailer list his grocery on the app, focus buyers on the application, waiting for an order, and finally delivers the orders. Majority of all the grocery apps work as such of a marketplace. The grocery app finds the buyers by making clever marketing techniques such as discounts, trust and quality. Since there may be n number of retailers and m number of customers on the platform.
Usage of online coupons and mobile shopping list were the top most quoted forms of in-stores in these days.
Let us imagine a Grocery store where we can get lucrative offers and special attentions while you enter, Checkout occupies seconds and we can pay even we don’t have idea of where our wallet is. Sounds good? It is easy than you think.
Lines between the digital and physical world are unclear. Shoppers are experiencing the comfort level of digital things in other retails and they are expecting the same in grocery Industry. Some retailers are winning by implementing technology to increase their shopping experience and meet buyers expectations.
For the entire CPG Industry this Grocery deliver application is an alarm. For new selling landscape the existing
Grocery retailers need to make adjustments in their retailing, supply, marketing and other operations.

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